We Asked 5 People to Try Som, a Buzzy New Sleep Drink. Here’s the Verdict

We Asked 5 People to Try Som, a Buzzy New Sleep Drink. Here’s the Verdict

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By Lindsay Champion

New York is the city that never sleeps—and that’s especially true at PureWow HQ, where a large number of our staffers report having trouble falling (and staying) asleep on a nightly basis. So what better place to test Som, a brand-new sleep drink that’s getting tons of buzz on the internet? Five of PureWow’s poorest sleepers tried Som for three nights. Here’s the verdict.

And does it actually work? ... all five testers noted that the drink definitely put them to sleep within 30 minutes of drinking the entire can.

Would you use it regularly? Four out of five testers agreed they’d definitely use Som again... on those it’s-2-a.m.-and-I’m-still-tossing-and-turning nights (you know the ones), Som definitely does the trick.

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